If you get the chance listen to this - it is too much for me to describe but it relates deeply to what in going on both in America and worldwide. The man, David Knight doing the explaining is brilliant.
Anna Marina
JoinedPosts by Anna Marina
Do You Support Trump Being Impeached Again?
by minimus init looks like it can happen again and i suspect if it does happen, the senate will not convict either because they can’t convict him since it’s after his presidency or simply because they don’t have sufficient votes..
Anna Marina
Should Difference of Opinion Be Squelched On Sites Such As FB or Twitter?
by minimus ini think that for the most part, dissenting views should be allowed to exist because of free speech principles.
one person may strongly feel that something is true while someone else may present “facts” that support the opposing view.
when that is the case, healthy discussion is mostly productive.
Anna Marina
Yes fair point - but it's as much as I could think of and if they do cut your power supply off what can you do? Try to build your own and/or make do with what resources you do have.
The companies that run the various platform do not love you. So how could you make them allow you to do anything if the powers-that-be make it impossible?
Control what you can and be as clever as you can. Some people can be ingenious (and selfless). Also situations change and maybe assets which were not at your disposal become available to you to control.
Should Difference of Opinion Be Squelched On Sites Such As FB or Twitter?
by minimus ini think that for the most part, dissenting views should be allowed to exist because of free speech principles.
one person may strongly feel that something is true while someone else may present “facts” that support the opposing view.
when that is the case, healthy discussion is mostly productive.
Anna Marina
Haven't read through entire thread - just some quick thoughts
FB and Twitter - they are companies and like WT can do what they want BUT it is misleading to get people to believe they can say anything they like. Also not nice if your words and other data are used for analysis that is exploitative/against your personal interests.
Freedom of speech - it is a Christian concept although it has been extended into the secular world and become freedom to argue or freedom to have different sets of values and priorities/faith or no faith or in between.
(Hebrews 3:6) . . .We are the house of that One, if we make fast our hold on our freeness of speech and our boasting over the hope firm to the end.
The way I read that scripture is to mean that if in the face of opposition we stand up for Jesus Christ and don't get cowed, then we are of His house. It doesn't mean say whatever you want, regarless of whether it is sensible, realistic, true etc.
But getting back to FB and Twitter, just as some of us naively believed WT was Christian, so some believed FB and Twitter allowed you to say anything you liked. But now some are waking up. So if you want to go on a platform you need to find one where the values of the owner most closely match your own. Or learn to code and set up your own.
You could start here
And here
The Life of Pioneers...
by The Bethelite ini don't know why but sometimes like to check up my old/self righteous friend, gary kennedy from bethel on face book....he is a pioneer in ecuador.
yes and just like most pioneers he likes to brag on his selfless life style.
he is serving the lord my sitting at home and writing out thousands of letters long hand all day long to count his time.
Anna Marina
I reversed this strategy - I knew at some point I was going to be put into the congregation catapult. Not wanting to allow them to disfellowship me, given they are not Christian, I set about disfellowshipping the Governing Body. Having done so succesfully (yes even if they don't realise it) I then prepared for the elders who were not even slightly bothered that I had df'd the GB. But they were uttertly fed up with me for putting up a YouTube showing that a local congregation had thrown out a faithful elderly sister who had done nothing wrong.
For this I got called to a judicial - so I sent about 50 letters out to the congregation explaining everything. As one elder put it - "they don't like having the rug pulled from under them."
I've still got the rug and I'm not giving it back. :)
Identity of the GB - Maths Virus Part 2
by Anna Marina inthe identity of the governing body – maths virus 2.
here is my latest video..
Anna Marina
Thanks Beth Sarim and FastJehu - so glad you like it.
Identity of the GB - Maths Virus Part 2
by Anna Marina inthe identity of the governing body – maths virus 2.
here is my latest video..
Anna Marina
The Identity of the Governing Body – Maths Virus 2
Here is my latest video.
You will find Maths Virus Part 1 (Time in Jerusalem and Babylon) on this thread. But you will also find a link to Part 1 at the end of this video as well.
Why Do Some People Wear A Mask While Driving Alone In Their Car?
by minimus incan anyone explain this to me??
Anna Marina
If it's cold they are using the mask like a scarf?
Wh a JW Paradise would REALLY be like.
by smiddy3 inwhere does one start ?
ok i`ll do my best and you can add some more if you like .. first off, wherever in the world you are that`s where you will stay.why?
because modern day transport as we know it will no longer be.
Anna Marina
One of the elders in my ex-cong was looking forward to boar-hunting after Armageddon.
Why Do Some People Wear A Mask While Driving Alone In Their Car?
by minimus incan anyone explain this to me??
Anna Marina
Pick the right religious cult, you may be given the status of 'immune'.
Wonder if they'll set up a cult called Sick, Sick, Sick?
QUITTING QUIETLY here is the Canadian version of the document
by gone for good ina while back, i suggested that an easy, quick, quiet exit with the signing and dating of a concise and irrefutable document would spur faders and pimos to preempt the elders' interference by quitting quietly first , before a fade or a confrontation.
here is the document .
Anna Marina
Yes and what is the point of getting involved with the courts? Watchtower tramples truth to the ground. They take your words and wrap them round your neck. But if you grab hold of Jesus' words, you can wrap them round their neck. They hate it.